
A list of our academic publications


Clark, J, Laing, K, Leat, D, Lofthouse, R, Thomas, U, Tiplady, L, and Woolner, P. 2017. Transformation in interdisciplinary research methodology: the importance of shared experiences in landscapes of practice. International Journal of Research and Method in Education, 40(3), 243-256.

Mazzoli Smith, L, Todd, L, and Laing, K. 2017. Students’ views on fairness in education: the importance of relational justice and stakes fairness. Research Papers in Education, Epub ahead of print.

Nind, M, Collins, D, Lewthwaite, S, and Todd, L. 2017. Understanding pedagogy and fostering pedagogic culture in social science research methods: a new role for the theory of change approach. Pedagogy, Culture and Society. Submitted.

Todd, L, and Nind, M. 2017. Celebration, reflection and praxis: 40 volumes of the journal. International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 40(1), 1-5.



Callanan, M, Laing, K, Chanfreau, J, Paylor, J, Skipp, A, Tanner, E, and Todd, L. 2016. The value of after school clubs for disadvantaged children. Briefing paper 3. London: NatCen Social Research. Out of school activities & the education gap 3.

Casto, H, McGrath, B, Sipple, J, and Todd, L. 2016. “Community aware” education policy: enhancing individual and community vitality. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 24, 50.

Chanfreau, J, Tanner, E, Callanan, M, Laing, K, Skipp, A, and Todd, L. 2016. Out of school activities during primary school and KS2 attainment. London: Centre for Longitudinal Studies. Centre for Longitudinal Studies working paper series 2016/1.

Laing, K, Mazzoli Smith, L, and Todd, L. Educating urban youth: fair or foul? 2016. In: Davoudi, S, and Bell, D, eds. Justice and Fairness in the City: A multi-disciplinary approach to ‘ordinary’ cities. Bristol, UK: Policy Press, pp.231-248.

Mazzoli Smith, L, and Laing, K. 2016. Creating a transformational space through narrative: Looked after young people tell their life stories. In: Formenti, L; West, L, ed. Stories that Make a Difference: Exploring the collective, social and political potential of narratives in adult education research. Milan: Pensa Multimedia, pp.247-255.

Mazzoli Smith, L, and Todd, L. 2016. Poverty Proofing the School Day: Evaluation and development report. Newcastle upon Tyne: Research Centre for Learning and Teaching, Newcastle University.

McKean, C, Law, J, Laing, K, Cockerill, M, Allon-Smith, J, McCartney, E, and Forbes, J. 2016. A qualitative case study in the social capital of co-professional collaborative co-practice for children with speech language and communication needs. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, (ePub ahead of Print).

Tanner, E, Chanfreau, J, Challanan, M, Laing, K, Paylor, J, Skipp, A, and Todd, L. 2016. Can out of school activities close the education gap? Briefing paper 4. London: NatCen Social Research. Out of school activities & the education gap 4.



Campbell, RJ, and Mazzoli Smith, L. 2015. Young, Gifted and Working-Class: Issues arising from Case Studies of Families with Gifted Children. International Journal for Talent Development and Creativity, 3(1), 131-144.

Chanfreau, J, Tanner, E, Callanan, M, Laing, K, Paylor, J, Skipp, A, and Todd, L. 2015. Out of school activities: understanding who does what.

Chanfreau, J, Tanner, E, Callanan, M, Laing, K, Paylor, J, Skipp, A, and Todd, L. 2015. Out of school Activities: Understanding who does what. Briefing Paper 2. London: NatCen Social Research. Out of school activities & the education gap 2.

Chanfreau, J, Tanner, E, Callanan, M, Laing, KL, Paylor, J, Skipp, A, and Todd, L. 2015. Unequal access to Out of School Activities. Nuffield Foundation.

Hopkins, P and Todd, L. 2015. Creating an intentionally dialogic space: student activism and the Newcastle Occupation 2010. Political Geography, 46, 31-40.

Kennedy, H, Landor, M, and Todd, L, eds. 2015. Video Enhanced Reflective Practice: Professional Development through Attuned Interactions. London, UK: Jessica Kingsley.

Laing, K, and Clark, J. 2015. Investigating the impact of social participation programmes for people with aphasia: The NETA Support Centre: Final report. Newcastle University: Research Centre for Learning and Teaching.

Laing, K, Mazzoli Smith, L, and Todd, L. 2015. Evaluation of Gateshead MASH: Final report. Newcastle University: Research Centre for Learning and Teaching.

Laing, K, and Todd, L. 2015. Developing a Children’s Community for the West End of Newcastle: A feasibility study. Newcastle upon Tyne: Research Centre for Learning and Teaching, Newcastle University.

Laing, K, and Todd, L. 2015. Theory-based Methodology: Using theories of change for development, research and evaluation. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Newcastle University.

Mazzoli Smith, L, and Campbell, RJ. 2015. So-called Giftedness and Teacher Education: Issues of Equity and Inclusion. Teachers and Teaching, 22(2).

Mazzoli Smith, L, and Laing, K. 2015. Choices Together: Evaluation of the Raising Aspirations Partnership. Newcastle upon Tyne: Newcastle University.

McWhirter, J, Laing, K, Templeton, L, and Russell, C. 2015. Evaluation of the Moving Parents and Children Together Programme when Delivered by Place2Be (M-PACT Plus). London: Mentor Foundation UK.

Melville, A, Laing, K, and Stephen, F. 2015. Family Lawyers and Multi-agency Approaches: Why Don’t Lawyers Work with Other Service Providers?. In: Maclean, M, Eekelaar, J, and Bastard, B, eds. Delivering Family Justice in the 21st Century. Oxford: Hart, pp.163-174.



Clark, J, Laing, K, Tiplady, L, and Woolner, P. 2014. Making Connections: Theory and Practice of Using Visual Methods to Aid Participation in Research. In: Visual In-Sights: Theory, Method, Practice International Conference. Newcastle, UK.

Mazzoli Smith, L. 2014. Extending sociological theorising on high ability: the significance of values and lived experience. International Studies in the Sociology of Education, 24(4), 354-371.

Mazzoli Smith, L. 2014. Family Beliefs and Practices around Academic Ability and Social Mobility; narratives of contradiction, continuity, and resistance. In: Reid, H, and West, L, eds. Constructing narratives of continuity and change : a transdisciplinary approach to researching lives. London: Routledge, pp.105-116.

Mazzoli Smith, L. 2014. Giftedness and globalisation: the challenge of cultural diversity for gifted education programmes in a neoliberal educational marketplace. Gifted Education International, 30(3), 197-211.

Mazzoli Smith, L. 2014. Innovative narrative life history interviews: the construction of academic giftedness in family context. United Kingdom: Sage. Available at:

Todd, L.  2014. Critical dialogue, critical methodology: bridging the research gap to young peoples’ participation in evaluating children’s services. In: Porter, G; Townsend, J; Hampshire, K, ed. Children and Young People as Knowledge Producers. London: Routledge.

Todd, L. 2014. Inter-agency Working and Special Education: Beyond ‘Virtuous’ Ideas of Partnership Towards Alternative Frameworks for Collaborative Work with Children. In: Florian, L, ed. The SAGE Handbook of Special Education. SAGE Publications Ltd.

Woolner, P, Clark, J, Laing, K, Thomas, U, and Tiplady, L. 2014. A school tries to change: How leaders and teachers understand changes to space and practices in a UK secondary school. Improving Schools, 17(2), 148-162.



Carpenter, H, Papps, P, Bragg, J, Dyson, A, Harris, D, Kerr, K, Todd, L, and Laing, K. 2013. Evaluation of Pupil Premium: Research Report. London: Department for Education.

Clark, J, Laing, K, Tiplady, L, and Woolner, P. 2013. Making Connections. In: AHRC Connected Communities Showcase. London, UK: Research Councils UK.

Clark, J, Laing, K, Tiplady, L, and Woolner, P. 2013. Making Connections: Theory and Practice of Using Visual Methods to Aid Participation in Research. Newcastle University: Research Centre for Learning and Teaching.

Dolan, P, Leat, D, Mazzoli Smith, L, Mitra, S, Todd, L, and Wall, K. 2013. Self-Organised Learning Environments (SOLEs) in an English School: an example of transformative pedagogy? Online Educational Research Journal, 1-19.

Woolner, P, Clark, J, Thomas, U, Laing, K, and Tiplady, L. 2013. Teachers Preparing For Changes to Learning Environment and Practices in a UK Secondary School. In: ECER 2013, Creativity and Innovation in Educational Research. Istanbul, Turkey: European Educational Research Association.



Bell, V, Watson, P, Crawshaw, P, Dunkerley, E, Laing, K, and Todd, L. 2012. Evaluation of the Diamond Model pilots: Interim Report. Newcastle upon Tyne: Teeside University, Newcastle University.

Billington, T, and Todd, L. 2012. Guest editorial. Special issue. Narrative: Approaches in research andprofessional practice. Educational and Child Psychology, 29(2), 5-9.

Campbell, RJ, and Mazzoli Smith, L. 2012. De-mystifying Giftedness: an overdue perspective. Gifted and Talented International, 27(2), 27-31.

Clark, J, and Laing, K. 2012. The involvement of children and young people in research within the criminal justice area. Newcastle University: Newcastle upon Tyne. AHRC Connected Communities programme: Scoping Reviews.

Cummings, C, Laing, K, Law, J, McLaughlin, J, Papps, I, Todd, L, and Woolner, P. 2012. Can changing aspirations and attitudes impact on educational attainment? A review of interventions. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

Laing, K, Clark, J, and Todd, L. 2012. Evaluation report for Sub 21 Wallsend. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Mentor UK.

Laing, K, and Todd, L. 2012. Fair or Foul? Towards practice and policy in fairness in education. Newcastle upon Tyne: Centre for Learning and Teaching, Newcastle University.

Mazzoli Smith, L, and Campbell, JR. 2012. Families, Education and Giftedness: Case Studies in the Construction of High Achievement. London and New York: Sense Publishers.

Mazzoli Smith, L, and Campbell, JR. 2012. The Recognition of Cultural Bias in Researching those Labelled Gifted: an overdue perspective. Gifted and Talented International, 27(1), 55-62.

Mazzoli Smith, L. 2012. Gifted Students Academy Extended Support Programme: Radclyffe School Evaluation Report. London: Gifted Students Academy.

Tiplady, L, and Laing, K. 2012. Just For a Laugh? Evaluation Report. London: Mentor UK.

Woolner, P, Clark, J, Laing, K, Thomas, U, and Tiplady, L. 2012. Changing spaces: preparing students and teachers for a new learning environment. Children, Youth and Environments, 22(1), 52-74.



Barrow, W, and Todd, L. 2011. Beyond Therapy: Supporting a Culture of Relational Democracy. In: Kennedy, H, Landor, M, and Todd, L, eds. Video Interaction Guidance: A Relationship-Based Intervention to Promote Attunement, Empathy and Wellbeing. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, pp.278-289.

Carpenter, H, Cummings, C, Dyson, A, Jones, L, Kassam, N, Laing, K, Muijs, D, Papps, I, Peters, M, and Todd, L. 2011. Extended services in practice – A summary of evaluation evidence for head teachers. London: Department for Eduction. DFE-RR155.

Clark, J, and Laing, K. 2011. The involvement of young people in research within the criminal justice area – what do we know and what do we need to find out?. In: British Society of Criminology Conference 2011, University of Northumbria, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.

Cummings, C, Dyson, A, Jones, L, Laing, K, and Todd, L. 2011. Evaluation of extended services Thematic review 2: local authorities and extended services. London, UK: Department of Education.

Cummings, C, Dyson, A, and Todd, L. 2011. Beyond the School Gates: Can Full Service and Extended Schools Overcome Disadvantage?. London: Routledge.

Kennedy, H, Landor, M, and Todd, L, eds. 2011. Video Interaction Guidance: A Relationship-Based Intervention to Promote Attunement, Empathy and Wellbeing. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Mazzoli Smith, L, and Eyre, D. 2011. Survey of Overseas Gifted Education Centres (Identification and Programmes). Oxford: Nord Anglia Education Ltd.

Todd, L. 2011. Improving inter-professional collaborations: multi-agency working for children’s wellbeing. International Journal of Research and Method in Education, 34(1), 111-113.

Todd, L. 2011. Multi-Agency Working and Disabled Children and Young People: From ‘What Works’ to ‘Active Becoming’. In: Haines, S, and Ruebain, D, eds. Education, Disability and Social Policy. London, UK: Policy Press, pp.65-87.



Carpenter, H, Cummings, C, Dyson, A, Jones, L, Laing, K, Oseman, D, Papps, I, Peters, M, and Todd, L. 2010. Extended Services Evaluation: End of Year One Report. London: Department of Education. DFE-RB016.

Carpenter, H, Cummings, C, Hall, I, Laing, K, Norden, O, Peters, M, and Todd, L. 2010. Extended Schools Subsidy Pathfinder Evaluation. Final Report. London: DCSF. DCSF Research Report RR132.

Cummings, C, Dyson, A, Jones, L, Laing, K, Scott, K, and Todd, L. 2010. Reaching Disadvantaged Groups and Individuals: Thematic Review 1. London: Department for Children, Schools and Families.

Cummings, C, Dyson, A, Jones, L, Laing, K, Scott, K, and Todd, L. 2010. Thematic Review: Reaching Disadvantaged Groups and Individuals. London, UK: Department for Education. DCSF Research report RR196 (DCSF).

Cummings, C, Dyson, A, Jones, L, Laing, K, and Todd, L. 2010. Local Authorities and extended services: Thematic review 2. London: Department for Education.

Dyson, A, and Todd, L. 2010. Dealing with Complexity: Theory of Change Evaluation and the Full Service Extended Schools Initiative. International Journal of Research and Method in Education, 33(2), 119-134.

Kennedy, H, Landor, M, and Todd, L. 2010. Video Interaction Guidance as a method to promote secure attachment. Educational and Child Psychology, 27(3), 59-72.

Laing, K, and Wilson, GB. 2010. Understanding Child Contact Cases in Scottish Courts. Edinburgh: Scottish Executive. DPPAS 11002.

Todd, L, Laing, K, Cummings, C, and Dyson, A. 2010. Issues in The Extent to Which Schools, Through Extended Services, Can Impact Upon Disadvantaged Children, Families and Communities. In: European Conference on Educational Research 2010 (ECER 2010). Helsinki, Finland: European Educational Research Association.

Walker, J, Thompson, C, Wilson, G, Laing, K, Coombes, M, and Raybould, S. 2010. Family Group Conferencing in Youth Inclusion and Support Panels: empowering families and preventing crime and antisocial behaviour?. London: Youth Justice Board (YJB). Youth Justice Board (YJB) Research Reports D123.

Walker, J, Thompson, C, Wilson, G, and Laing, K. 2010. Family Group Conferencing in Youth Inclusion and Support Panels: Empowering Families and Preventing Crime and Antisocial Behaviour?. London: Youth Justice Board.

Walker, J, Wilson, G, Laing, K, and Pennington, M. 2010. Care Matters: Budget Holding Lead Professionals (BHLPs) with Looked After Children in England. London: Department for Children Schools and Families. DCSF Research Briefs DCSF-RB225.

Wilson, GB, and Laing, K. 2010. Understanding Child Contact Cases in Scottish Sheriff Courts. Edinburgh: Scottish Government. Research Findings 27/2010.



Melville, A, and Laing, K. 2009. Closing the Gate: Family lawyers as gatekeepers to a holistic service. International Journal of Law in Context, 6(2), 167-189.

Walker, J, Donaldson, C, Laing, K, Pennington, M, Wilson, G, Procter, S, Bradley, D, Dickinson, H, and Gray, J. 2009. Evaluating Budget-Holding in Lead Professionals within Multi-Agency Children’s Services in England. London, UK: Department of Children, Schools and Families, 2009. DCSF Research Reports RR143.



Melville, A, and Laing, K. 2008. Personal Action Plans: evaluating self-management initiatives in family law. International Journal of Law in Context, 4(2), 149-167.

Walker, J, Wilson,G, and Laing, K. 2008. Being There for Children at Risk of Offending: An Evaluation of the Youth Inclusion and Support Panels in Cambridgeshire. Cambridge: Cambridgeshire Children’s Fund, 2008.



Campbell, RJ, Robinson, W, Neelands, J, Hewston, R, and Mazzoli, L. 2007. Personalised Learning: Ambiguities in Theory and Practice. British Journal of Educational Studies, 55(2), 135-154.

Cummings, C, Todd, ES, Dyson, A, Muijs, D, Papps, I, Pearson, D, Raffo, C, Tiplady, L, and Crowther, D. 2007. Evaluation of the full service extended schools initiative: final report. Nottingham: Department for Education and Skills. DfES Research Brief and Report 852.

Melville, A, and Laing, KJC. 2007. ‘I just drifted into it’: Family law and human capital theory. International Journal of the Legal Profession, 14(3), 281-300.

Muijs, RD, Mazzoli, L, Hewston, R, and Campbell, RJ. 2007. The National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth: Second Annual Post-18 Survey of Students. University of Warwick: National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth. Occasional Paper 20.

Todd, L. 2007. Partnerships for Inclusive Education: A critical approach to collaborative working. London: Routledge.

Walker, J, McCarthy, P, Laing, K, Melville, A, Coombes, MG, Raybould,SR, Finch, S, Kitchen, S, Wood, N, Bridge, C, Richards, M, Sclater Day, S, and Webber, P. 2007. The Family Advice and Information Service: A Changing Role for Family Lawyers in England and Wales?. London: Legal Services Commission.

Walker, J, Thompson, C, Laing, K, Raybould, S, Coombes, M, Procter, S, and Wren, C. 2007. Youth Inclusion and Support Panels: Preventing Crime and Antisocial Behaviour. London: Department for Children, Schools and Families. DCSF-RW018.



Campbell, RJ, Muijs, RD, Mazzoli, L, Hewston, R, Neelands, J, Robinson, W, and Eyre, D. 2006. Engagement with School, Identity and Self-esteem: Some Characteristics of Gifted and Talented Students in England. . University of Warwick: National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth. Occasional Paper 11.

Laing, K. 2006. ‘Doing the right thing’ Cohabiting parents, separation and child contact. International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, 20(2), 169-80.

Mazzoli, L, Campbell, RJ, and Hewston, R. 2006. The Second Annual Survey of the Workloads and Support Needs of Gifted and Talented Coordinators in Secondary Schools in England. University of Warwick: National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth. Occasional Paper 15.

Mazzoli, L, Campbell, RJ, and Muijs, RD. 2006. What’s so Different about Gifted and Talented Students? Gifted and Talented Students and Psychosocial Adjustment. University of Warwick: National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth. Occasional Paper 14.

Robinson, W, Campbell, RJ, and Mazzoli, L. 2006. Developing Expertise: School-based Case Studies. University of Warwick: National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth. Occasional Paper 12.

Todd, L. 2006. Enabling Practice for Professionals: the need for Practical Post-Structuralist Theory. In: Goodley, D, and Lawthom, R, eds. Disability and Psychology: Critical Introductions and Reflections. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Walker, J, Laing, KJC, Coombes, MG, and Raybould, SR. 2006. Evaluating the Family Advice and Information Service. London: Legal Services Commission. Family Advice and Information Service Final Evaluation Report.



Mazzoli, L, Campbell, RJ, Eyre, D, Muijs, RD, Neelands, J, and Robinson, W. 2005. The First Annual Survey of NAGTY Students. University of Warwick: National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth. Occasional Paper 7.

Mazzoli, L. 2005. Ethical Procedures for Research with Children: A Position Paper . University of Warwick: National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth, 2005.



McCarthy, P, Laing, K, and Walker, J. 2004. Offenders of the future: Assessing the risk of children and young people becoming involved in criminal or antisocial behaviour. London: Department for Education and Skills.

Walker, J, McCarthy, P, Stark, C, and Laing, K. 2004. Picking Up The Pieces: Marriage and Divorce Two Years After Information Provision. London: Department for Constitutional Affairs.



Todd, L. 2003. Disability and the restructuring of welfare: The problem of partnership with parents. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 7(3), 281-296.



Taverner, S, Baumfield, VM, Lin, M, Clark, J, Fisher, P, Hall, I, Smith, P, and Todd, L. 2001. Transition between key stages in schools: [second output report]. London: Department for Transport, Local Government and the Regions. Beacon Council Research.



Todd, ES, Hobbs, C, and Taylor, J. 2000. Consulting with children and young people: Enabling educational psychologists to work collaboratively. Educational and Child Psychology, 17(4), 107-115.



Todd, ES, and Higgins, SE. 1998.0Powerlessness in professional and parent partnerships. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 19(2), 227-236.