
Our research approach is one of collaboration and co-production with those with whom we work. An ethos of co-production seeks to ensure that research and evaluation are shared endeavours. This can involve using different kinds of methods in order to ensure that we are working with others to co-produce research.

We are interested in this on several levels:

  1. How universities can work with other organisations to make a difference to society
  2. How researchers can work with young people to co-produce research
  3. How organisations co-produce services
  4. Methods for co-production

2015 – present, ESRC IAA Open Chair: Building a children’s Community for the West End of Newcastle, ESRC, Liz Todd (PI) and Karen Laing (Co-I). More information and resources can be found here

2016- 2017 ESRC IAA Knowledge Exchange Secondment, ESRC, Karen Laing (PI)

2016 – 19 ACCOMPLISSH, Horizon 2020, Liz Todd (Co-I) and Karen Laing, in collaboration with Mark Shucksmith (PI), Mark Tewdyr-Jones (Co-I) and Jenny Hasenfuss.

2016- 2017 ESRC IAA Knowledge Exchange Secondment, ESRC, Karen Laing (PI)

2016  Young people as researchers, NISR, Karen Laing (PI) and Jill Clark (Co-I).

2013 – 16 Evaluation of Thinking Differently, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Liz Todd (PI), Karen Laing (Co-I), Jill Clark (Co-I), Dorothy Newbury-Birch and Ivy Papps (Tecis Ltd).

The Diamond Model

Publications and conference papers

Thumbnail: Accomplissh WP3
Accomplissh: key issues in research design and communication 2017
Thumbnail: Making Connections
Visual Methods to aid participation in research 2013
Thumbnail: literature review
Interim review for the diamond model evaluation 2012
Thumbnail: consulting YP
Consulting with children and young people 2000
Thumbnail: powerlessness
Powerlessness in professional and parent partnerships 1998















Slides and presentations

Making Connections: Theory and Practice of Using Visual Methods to Aid Children’s Participation in Educational Research. BERA 2014 presentation, Karen Laing (presentation slides)

Pedagogies of Knowledge Exchange. BERA Round Table presentation, Karen Laing and Liz Todd (presentation slides)

Research design presentation, Zagreb 2017 (presentation slides)
